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Monday and Wednesday classes St Phillip and St Paul with Wesley church at
37 Scarisbrick New Road
Enter via the glass doors on the Hampton Road side of the church and proceed upstairs to the main room.
There is sufficient car parking space at the front and side of the church and off the roads.

Saturday classes Southport Community Centre
Norwood Road
There is plenty of free parking available at this venue.
Class fees
Grading fees
Annual Membership ( including insurance )
Adults and children's Gi costumes
and for all other enquiries.
Please contact Sensei Garry on number 07885 789195 or in person at ShogunWorld.
ShogunWorld is a fully inclusive Martial Arts Club, with an open door policy.
The age requirements for students are from 4 to 70, of all abilities, both male and female.
We have satellite clubs in Formby, Knowsley Village and Bryn ( Greater Manchester)
Please contact Sensei Garry for more information.

Shogun World Knowsley.
St. Mary's Church Hall.
Knowsley Village
L34 0JA
Family Ju Jitsu Class
Age 4-70 years.
Every Thursday evening, 6.15pm until 7.10pm
Ample free parking available.
History of Shogun World
To fully understand the history of ShogunWorld we must go back in time to discover the roots and follow the timeline to the present day.
In the years following the end of the Second World War a merchant seaman, James Blundell, from Norris Green in Liverpool, travelled extensively in the Far East and sought out many Masters of martial arts in the region, to train, and learn as much and as many techniques from as many styles as possible.
Eventually, Soke Blundell as he became, returned and opened a Ju Jitsu club in the basement of Lowlands community center in Haymans Green, West Derby.
The club developed and became very successful and eventually amalgamated with other clubs from other regions of the UK to form the British Ju Jitsu Association ( BJJ ) with it's HQ at Lowlands.
During this period of time many local people joined the club having learned of it's reputation of high quality teaching and superb techniques.Then, a young man, Robert Clark, joined the club at the age of 18, having begun training in the martial arts at the age of 13.
Mr Clark learned well under Soke Blundell's instruction and progressed through the ranks to become an instructor himself. He then also travelled extensively throughout the world,seeking out and learning from the great Masters himself and during this time he convinced many of these Masters and teachers to group together and form the World Ju Jitsu Federation ( WJJF ) with the HQ at Soke Clark's new Dojo located at Barlows Lane, Fazakerly, Liverpool.
The Federation grew in reputation, size and student numbers, eventually having members in the region of 300,000 and from 42 different countries around the world.
The next significant name in the history of our club belongs to Sensei Alan Campbell.
Sensei Campbell trained at Barlows Lane and with the support of Soke Clark, in 1980 opened a Ju Jitsu club at the Old Library in Wennington Road, Southport. This became the first club to use the name of ShogunWorld.
The club thrived on it's reputation for excellent training and friendliness, attracting many students from the local area. In the late 1980's Sensei Campbell located new premises for the club, above the carpet shop in Eastbank Street, Southport and it was here the club truly began to develop into the form we are familiar with today. Karate and Kick Boxing were added to the syllabus offered and there were satellite clubs in Birkdale and Banks.
The club proved to be extremely popular and hosted regular visitors, via the HQ in Barlows Lane, from countries such as Israel, Italy and Iceland .
In time Sensei Campbell was promoted to National Coach and it was at this point Sensei Garry Phillips took over the running of the club, having himself trained at the HQ at Barlows Lane under the instruction of Soke Clark.
A short time after Sensei Phillips took over the running of the club the lease expired so he was forced to find a new location to base the Dojo.
Happily, he was able to locate suitable premises virtually around the corner and he put a lot of time and effort into converting the building into the facilities we are familiar with now, opening the new Dojo in July 2001 with virtually no disruption to the training of the students.
Sensei Phillips then formed his own organisation, the one we know now, and added Kobudo, Wado Ryu Karate and eventually Krav Maga to the syllabus. Other local clubs joined and we now have clubs in Formby, Knowsley Village and Bryn ( Greater Manchester ) with the HQ situated in Bridge Street Southport.
The club continues to grow and attract new students, both children and adults, of all ages and abilities and we maintain a policy of full inclusivness towards all students.

Soke James Blundell

Soke Robert Clark

Sensei Alan Campbell

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